Tuesday, October 12, 2010

New New Media

New New Media. Yeah, it exists. Most people don't even know that there is a NEW media, let alone a NEW NEW media. This is because media is so rapidly changing it is hard to keep up! Both old and new media use the means of the mass media institutions but new new media is all about you.

Old media is described as newspapers and television. New media is email, websites, and blogs of old media. New new media is Youtube, Twitter, Blogging, Wikipedia, Digg, Myspace, Facebook, Second Life, and Podcasts.

Blogging first started in 1997 and social media grew rapidly from there. If you think about it, the creating of all of this new new media seems a bit invasive and strange but that seems to be the way that our society works. We always complain about not having privacy, yet we insist on knowing the latest celebrity gossip and knowing about every news story the second it hits.

The development of new new media really is for and by the users. Most of these platforms are entirely user based and thrive from millions of people each day getting on their phone or computer and simply talking about themselves to a group of 100s or millions of random people.

Now I myself am a avid user of all things social media, so I'm definitely not knocking the new new media however if you really take yourself outside of your shoes for a minute and look on it it does seem a bit ridiculous. Even more, if you think back to a few years ago when none of this existed, what did we do with our lives!

I see 9 year olds on their twitter and youtube accounts making silly posts and I just think back to what I would've been doing back then (probably running around outside with my friends.) While new new media does have it's obvious advantages we've also got to be sure to use it with caution or it could end up backfiring on us all.

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